The President's Volunteer Service Award
The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is the premier volunteer awards program, encouraging citizens to live a life of service through presidential gratitude and national recognition.
We encourage you to take this opportunity, be inspired and take positive action that changes the world.
The American Homestay Program creates an exciting opportunity between your family and an international exchange student. Through this culture exchange, both your family and the international exchange student will gain a deeper understanding of human values that may unity all nations across the world. The most rewarding aspect of this program is building a relationship that will evolve into a lifelong friendship!
The purpose of the American Homestay Program is to provide international exchange students with a home and an opportunity to learn more about American culture. By opening your home, you are opening a door of opportunity for an international student to enter a whole new world. When you host, you play a direct role in promoting genuine American Values. Living with your family is the best way for students from around the world to become immersed in American Democracy. Your generosity creates a positive outlook on the United States that crosses oceans and endures lifetimes. You will also have an opportunity to learn more about the world through our student. There are many benefits to become a host family.
Learn, Explore, and Taste the Great USA
Name: Host Family with American Pride
Location: Orange County, California
Reward: Great Experience & $$$
TEL: 714-855-1805
Skype: ina117usa ★ WeChat: iNA117USA
We will be invited to Host family Orientation to prepare for student's arrival.
Cotact us to request an application and receive more information
$$$ REWARD $$$
We will work with you decide on a student who shares your family's interests.