​​​ Learn, Explore, and Taste the Great USA


"Equal opportunity in education."




The meaning of our company name iNA:


“ina” is one of native tribal language in the world and means “mother.” Our company name - iNA is shortening for International Network Association.  As the meaning of the native tribal language, iNA will cherish and guide all individuals with motherly love.

ANAHEIM August 12, 2015  

iNA - International Network Association has been selected for 2015 Best of Anaheim Award in the Education category by the Anaheim Award Program.

Under the iNA corporation philosophy - "Equal opportunity in education." We believe every citizen in every society should have the same privilege to access and enjoy education. Our goal is to provide an educational opportunity for disadvantaged or underprivileged. iNA strongly supports the global movement - Education For All (EFA) that is lead by UNESCO. 

We are committed to taking part in promoting EFA. The initiative in carrying out our project - Education for Education Project. When you join any educational program or use our services, you are helping someone to receive access to a better education or learning opportunity. A portion of your program and services fee will be donated to We Care for Humanity for its activities and funding iNA educational scholarship. 

We recruit sympathized vendor, agent, and partner to contribute and promote the E4E projects.


"2015 Best of Anaheim Award in the Education" 



Meaning of our logo:


The letter “i” symbolizes people around the world; the letter “A” is the teepee (home) for those individuals; and the letter “N” ties “i” - people and “A”- educational home. iNA is the educational home that welcomes all individual around the world. We create learning opportunities, promote cultural exchange, and encourage lifetime friendships.